
Happiness and Joy

As a Kinesiologist a large part of my work with clients includes looking at the emotional aspects of the issue at hand.

Often the word to describe the emotion is very specific. Last week I was working with a lady who needed more “joy” in her life.  I had been testing “happiness”, which we had considered as the same, but “joy” definitely tested as the correct word.

There are subtle differences between the two feelings.

Happiness and joy are closely related and frequently occur simultaneously.  They both bring feelings of contentment, pleasure and satisfaction, but the reasons for these feelings are where differences lie.

Happiness is an outward expression of bliss and elation and comes from material things and earthly experiences, for example good food or company.  Whereas joy is a more inward experience of peace and contentment, from spiritual experiences like feeling connected to a god or people.  Joy requires an ongoing process of living a moral, more selfless lifestyle, caring for others and expressing gratitude on a regular basis.

Because happiness is based on outward circumstances, it is often more fleeting.  Whereas joyfulness takes longer to cultivate, it is a stronger, longer term state less influenced by life’s ups and downs.

It’s worth your time, effort and energy to cultivate more happiness and joy in your life.  There are health benefits, including; stronger immune systems, lower heart rate and blood pressure, fewer aches and pains and longer life spans.

Here are some simple hints to integrate more happiness and joy in your life. Read More…

Getting stuff done

A few weeks ago, I worked with a client who was struggling with procrastination. You know, that great thief of time.

She had a series of assessments she needed to hand in to complete her course; she frequently found herself being distracted and avoided getting them done.  A few days after our session she contacted me to say she had already finished five, and was well on her way to completing the rest.

I often work with clients who feel stuck or blocked, who struggle with procrastination and avoid uncomfortable tasks.  They sabotage their own ability because they don’t feel ready, or lack the confidence, energy, time or motivation to make that first move and then follow through.

This is a subject I feel somewhat of an expert on – there was a stage where the “pro” in procrastination could have referred to me. Here are some of the ideas and techniques I use to keep procrastination at bay.

Just start!

Above my desk I have a hand-embroidered sign that simply says “Start”.

This has been an invaluable reminder when it’s time to write another blog and I find myself sitting at my desk staring at a blinking cursor on a blank computer screen.   To just type notes and develop ideas gives me a base to build my next article.

Sometimes the pathway or process to completion only comes to light after you get started. Read More…

Put those goals into action

action-before-motivationAfter your have written down your “S M A R T” goals.  The next step and perhaps the most important step is to take action to make those dreams and goals a reality.

Take the first step

This may come as a surprise to you but motivation comes AFTER action, not before.

If you have been waiting to wake up one morning and feel motivated to get started, you are actually more likely to keep procrastinating. When you set a goal that challenges you, there will be some things that you may not enjoy doing. You will probably need to force yourself to do a little something to create the momentum to take the next step and the next. Read More…





My tarot “card of the day” yesterday was Temperance and part of its message was to remind me that when working on a project – to change a little, then step back and assess the results and to find balance before moving forward. This seemed to be good guidance for making changes and it occurred to me that I had already been using the same strategy for conquering fear. Read More…

Goal setting – what inspires you?

Many of us know the importance of setting goals.  We have been told that people who set goals are more likely to achieve, but I speak to many people who say they don’t know how to set goals.  They don’t know what they want to achieve.  I guess that is why they don’t achieve as much as a goal setter because they simply don’t know where they are heading.  Much like setting out in a car with no destination in mind, you end up doing a rather frustrating meander, that doesn’t really take you anywhere.  A life without goals drags through day by day, not really achieving anything, or inspiring or motivating you.  Does that sound familiar?

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