
Getting stuff done

A few weeks ago, I worked with a client who was struggling with procrastination. You know, that great thief of time.

She had a series of assessments she needed to hand in to complete her course; she frequently found herself being distracted and avoided getting them done.  A few days after our session she contacted me to say she had already finished five, and was well on her way to completing the rest.

I often work with clients who feel stuck or blocked, who struggle with procrastination and avoid uncomfortable tasks.  They sabotage their own ability because they don’t feel ready, or lack the confidence, energy, time or motivation to make that first move and then follow through.

This is a subject I feel somewhat of an expert on – there was a stage where the “pro” in procrastination could have referred to me. Here are some of the ideas and techniques I use to keep procrastination at bay.

Just start!

Above my desk I have a hand-embroidered sign that simply says “Start”.

This has been an invaluable reminder when it’s time to write another blog and I find myself sitting at my desk staring at a blinking cursor on a blank computer screen.   To just type notes and develop ideas gives me a base to build my next article.

Sometimes the pathway or process to completion only comes to light after you get started. Read More…

Goal setting


Why set goals?

Setting goals helps to give your life direction and purpose. It helps to organise your time and resources so you can create the life you want to live.  They help you to focus your energy in a positive direction.

How do I get started?

A great first step to take in goal setting is to brain storm a list of what you would like to achieve.  At this stage don’t think about what is possible or likely, just make a wish list.

Another of my favourite ways to find the goals to put your heart and soul into, is work out a picture of how you would like your life/lifestyle to look in 5 years’ time.  Don’t get bogged down in the name of a specific location, but you can be very specific about; climate, style of home, social life, travel, employment, ability to regularly walk on the beach/bush/mountains.   Make your picture as detailed and complete as possible. Read More…

Moments of beauty

20140329_181904Last Saturday I was out on a run when I saw this perfect bunch of frangipanis on a tree on the side of the road.  I just had to stop and take a photo.  Of course, it was a perfect excuse to take a break; it was a hot, sticky evening after all.  I shared the photo on my personal Facebook page and a friend responded with a comment about stopping to “smell the roses”.  It made me realise that in my busy life as a self-employed single mum, I often forget to stop and enjoy those moments of beauty and peacefulness.

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