
Goal setting


Why set goals?

Setting goals helps to give your life direction and purpose. It helps to organise your time and resources so you can create the life you want to live.  They help you to focus your energy in a positive direction.

How do I get started?

A great first step to take in goal setting is to brain storm a list of what you would like to achieve.  At this stage don’t think about what is possible or likely, just make a wish list.

Another of my favourite ways to find the goals to put your heart and soul into, is work out a picture of how you would like your life/lifestyle to look in 5 years’ time.  Don’t get bogged down in the name of a specific location, but you can be very specific about; climate, style of home, social life, travel, employment, ability to regularly walk on the beach/bush/mountains.   Make your picture as detailed and complete as possible. Read More…

Put those goals into action

action-before-motivationAfter your have written down your “S M A R T” goals.  The next step and perhaps the most important step is to take action to make those dreams and goals a reality.

Take the first step

This may come as a surprise to you but motivation comes AFTER action, not before.

If you have been waiting to wake up one morning and feel motivated to get started, you are actually more likely to keep procrastinating. When you set a goal that challenges you, there will be some things that you may not enjoy doing. You will probably need to force yourself to do a little something to create the momentum to take the next step and the next. Read More…


magnesiumSo there you are peacefully asleep, happily in the land of dreams, when…. Whammo!!!! You’re viciously woken by extreme pain in your calf and your foot is pointed in a position that would be the envy of a ballerina.  You silently scream and try not to thrash about too much so you don’t wake your partner. You sit up a knead away at your calf and then stand and try limping around to get the calf to release the cramp….

I know many of you will be familiar with the scenario above and will already be taking a magnesium supplement to try to reduce the frequency and severity of muscle cramps. But do you know how magnesium works to alleviate cramping?  And, did you know there are many other benefits of ensuring you have adequate levels of magnesium in your system?

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Balancing our energy is like balancing our finances

spend-saveWhen it comes to our finances, ideally we want the flow of money to be higher income than expenditure.  If the flow is in the right balance we have “left overs” that we can bank and keep in reserve for harder times.  If the hard times go on for a long time we use up all our reserves and start going into debt. The further into debt we slide the harder it is to come out of.  We know that once our finances are back into the right balance we know that it will take time to firstly get out of debt and then to build up reserves again.
In our youth our bodies are quite good at producing more energy than is expended, and we can easily build up reserves.  When we hit a period of extra demand on our energy, we have the reserves there to handle the extra drain. For example when we’re young we can pull a series of all-nighters for work or uni and survive quite well afterwards.  Unfortunately, this can lull us into a false sense of security, we mistakenly think that because we managed so well in the past, we can continue to use up our energy without acknowledging it needs to be replenished at some stage.
As we age, our body becomes less efficient at energy production and our ability to produce more energy than we use is diminished.  If we are moderately healthy, we may be producing enough energy to sustain our normal day to day energy expenditure but not enough to build up reserves.  Many of us have health issues that mean our ability to produce energy is so diminished that we are not even producing enough to sustain our “normal” activity.  If we continue to drain our energy faster than it’s replaced, we will start heading into energy “debt”.  And, the longer we continue this pattern, the further into debt we slide.

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We are like our mobile phones!?!

me-mobileWhen you buy a mobile phone it comes with default settings. Over time you download a variety of apps to help you to use the phone more efficiently.  When something happens and your phone needs repair, it usually comes back with the default factory settings and you have to download all your favourite apps again.

The advantage is that now you know which apps are the most useful and you only download those, not bothering with the ones that you rarely or never use. You might also download a few new and different ones because you want to test them out and see if they will be helpful. So now you have a phone that is functioning even better than before.

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Chest rub recipe

chest-rubHere is my recipe for my favourite home-made chest rub.  I modified it from a remedy I found for whooping cough.  I have used it frequently on my daughter and myself with great results in soothing an irritating cough and clearing congestion.  NB: It shouldn’t be used on children younger than 3 years old.

4 drops of Lavender oil

4 drops of Tea Tree oil

2 drops of Thyme oil

2 drops Eucalyptus oil


Add it to 20mls of sweet almond oil (carrier oil) to rub it onto your chest and back.  Adding a few drops into an oil diffuser or a warm bath also works a charm

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