
What could you acheive if you pushed a little harder?

Fannie Bay Swim, Darwin, NT 2019

A year ago, I remember standing at the end of a triathlon chatting to a friend who, like me, finishes among the last ten competitors.

We discussed the “top guns” and how in awe we were of their ability and fitness. She said “Have you ever thought that the reason they’re so good is that they push themselves harder than we do? I notice that when they lap me on the run they’re breathing much more heavily than I am”

This conversation popped into my thoughts many times since and I now use it as motivation to go a little faster, harder and/or further in training sessions and events.

I have achieved some new ‘personal bests’ as my reward for the extra effort, not to mention better self-esteem.

In my life outside triathlon training and events, I know that when I feel frustrated, it is often the result of giving in to fear, making excuses and allowing myself to sit in a comfort zone rather than pushing to my potential. Like a racehorse at the start of a race, itching to get out and run, but being held back by the gate Read More…

Just breathe….

Swimming at Darwin Waterfront

A secret discovered at the dawn of Mankind, refined by many cultures to an art form, often forgotten in today’s hectic world … JUST BREATHE.
A hunter stalking the African savannah, a warrior going into battle, a yogi seeking enlightenment, a woman giving birth. A simple solution to focus, survive and prosper … JUST BREATHE

This is a regular reminder I give myself and others to reduce stress and tension, to assist performance in an exercise session and to navigate challenging situations calmly.
Sometimes I unconsciously hold my breath when I’m doing something difficult.  It’s not just physical exertion. I catch myself not breathing when doing housework, concentrating on writing an assignment or blog, or even reading instructions to put together a flat pack! Do you do the same?
I remind clients to breathe deeply because it assists corrections with kinesiology.  A few deep breaths calm and energise you when feeling stressed and overwhelmed.  It is not by chance that breath provides focus and calmness in yoga and is crucial to meditation practices.
But if you can’t breathe deeply? Read More…

Getting stuff done

A few weeks ago, I worked with a client who was struggling with procrastination. You know, that great thief of time.

She had a series of assessments she needed to hand in to complete her course; she frequently found herself being distracted and avoided getting them done.  A few days after our session she contacted me to say she had already finished five, and was well on her way to completing the rest.

I often work with clients who feel stuck or blocked, who struggle with procrastination and avoid uncomfortable tasks.  They sabotage their own ability because they don’t feel ready, or lack the confidence, energy, time or motivation to make that first move and then follow through.

This is a subject I feel somewhat of an expert on – there was a stage where the “pro” in procrastination could have referred to me. Here are some of the ideas and techniques I use to keep procrastination at bay.

Just start!

Above my desk I have a hand-embroidered sign that simply says “Start”.

This has been an invaluable reminder when it’s time to write another blog and I find myself sitting at my desk staring at a blinking cursor on a blank computer screen.   To just type notes and develop ideas gives me a base to build my next article.

Sometimes the pathway or process to completion only comes to light after you get started. Read More…

Holding too tight?

When I was a child, I often had the comment “Rena tries too hard” on my report cards.  I remember thinking what a ridiculous comment to make.  How could you ‘try too hard’?  Weren’t you supposed to try hard?

As an adult I better understand what the teachers meant, but there are still times when I need to remind myself that, rather than continuing to push through frustration, it’s better to pause, take a breath, relax and reassess.

In a kinesiology session a few weeks ago, a similar problem surfaced for a client.  As we were discussing the issue, some advice I was given by a cycling friend came to mind which served as a great metaphor to describe the concept.  So, I thought I would share it here…. Read More…

How do you see yourself?

A couple of years ago, while standing on the shore of Lake Alexander awaiting the start of a triathlon, one of the ladies I was standing with, said something that triggered a big “AHA!” moment for me.  To paint a picture for you, at the beginning of each triathlon I would stand with a few other ladies and we would discuss our fears and short comings in the swim leg.  I had trained regularly and knew I could swim the distance and even had a few triathlons and open water swims under my belt, but still there I was “shaking in my boots”!

Then one of the ladies shared something her husband had said. “You know what your problem is?  You still see yourself as a crap swimmer and that’s not true anymore!

Have you ever heard something that you just KNEW you were meant to hear?  This was one of those moments for me.

That was my problem too!  I still saw myself as the person who stood panting at the end of pool after swimming only 50 metres!  How would I ever manage to swim 750 metres in open water?

As I swam and continued through the triathlon I thought about how I had unconsciously maintained this untrue perception of myself.  Allowing it to not only sabotage my performance, but also my enjoyment of the swim.  Then, I started questioning other areas of my life where untrue perceptions of myself could be sabotaging my performance and enjoyment. Read More…

Pain relief with Kinesiology

To achieve long term pain relief, several things need to be assessed and resolved.  Because Kinesiology incorporates many techniques, it can be an effective and thorough therapy to help you find the relief you are looking for. Read More…

Time for a fresh start? Time to declutter

It’s the first new moon of 2018 and I’ve decided NOW is the time to clear out my clutter.  I have made forays into clearing out and cleaning up before but this time I plan to dig deep and really clear my space.

One of the principles discussed in my training as a Kinesiologist is “What is in your universe (environment) is also within you”.  Meaning a cluttered home could indicate; a cluttered mind, an overweight body, inability to live in the present moment and/or not happy with the person you are.

Clearing clutter is an emotional process, but if you follow through when the frustration and overwhelm kicks in, it can be a life changing activity.  To help keep me motivated I have done some research into the benefits of clearing clutter so I have something positive to focus on while I work through my “stuff”.  I am sharing them here… Read More…

Hot & Bothered? Take time to rest

In our busy ‘build up’ season it is extra important to take time to rest (and cool off).

Over the past few years I have come to realise how important it is to schedule rest into an exercise program.  Every Ironman training program I have looked at incorporates a rest day every week and a light training recovery week every month. Research in weight training has shown, that on average, people work 7% harder in subsequent sets after they have rested.  This means resting effectively, helps to improve your performance.

It occurs to me that the same principle applys in everyday life.  There seems to be recognition and admiration for people who work long hours and the ability to “push through” is regarded as a quality to strive for. Read More…

Soft Lips Naturally

With the drying winds we’ve experienced lately both my daughter and I found ourselves with dry cracked lips.  I have become careful over the years about what we put on our lips, because any toxins the lip balm may contain are not only absorbed through the skin but are also ingested when we lick our lips, and when we eat and drink.  For this reason I like to make sure that whatever goes on our lips is natural, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic.

This natural lip gloss/balm recipe is simple to make yourself. Read More…

Kefir breakfast



I love the probiotic goodness of kefir, so I consume it regularly.  I also prefer variety in my diet so I have created a couple of recipes to use kefir in a variety of ways.  This simple recipe is just as good whether you use kefir made from coconut milk or cow milk.  I include dried fruit in my recipe to assist with energy for my exercise schedule, plus I personally enjoy the sweet flavour burst from the sultanas.  If you’re concerned about your sugar intake, leave out the dried fruit, it still tastes great! Read More…

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