


Did you know water makes up more than 60% of your body?

Staying well hydrated is important for wellbeing and for the proper functioning of your body especially brain function and lymphatic function (lymphatic function is important for nourishment of cells and removal of waste).

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Why do we feel hotter in humidity?

We all know that 32 degrees in Darwin feels a lot hotter than 32 degrees in dryer areas. Have you ever wondered why?
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Why am I always tired

Do you wake in the morning feeling tired and unrefreshed? Do you drag yourself through the day feeling 10 years older than you really are?  Do you feel like you have lost your motivation and spark for life?  Do you feel physically, emotionally and mentallly unable to give your best to work, family, sport, etc?  Through muscle testing, kinesiology can help find and clear the underlying cause of your problem.  Read More…

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