
Boost your Health and Well-being

Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with joy.



Implementing regular habits to maintain good health and well-being goes hand-in-hand with boosting your immune system to build up resistance to, and fight off, a virus or infection.

Here are a few tips.

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Eat A Rainbow

For the past couple of weeks I have been away, and even though I ate a reasonably ‘healthy’ diet, it wasn’t as high in vegetables and fruit as I’m used to.  Plus, I ate more bread and sugary items than is good for me.  The result: I felt sluggish and bloated, unmotivated to exercise and my mind felt foggy.

After a few days of eating whole plant foods almost exclusively, my mind feels much clearer and my energy has improved.

As I prepared dinner last night I was reminded of a dietary principle from my Kinesiology training: “eat a rainbow” – aim to have a rainbow on your plate at each meal. Foods that are red, yellow/orange, green, blue/purple and white.

An easy way to achieve this is to include a variety of whole plant foods,

By focusing on eating whole foods in a variety of colours you are consuming a broad range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other plant-based nutrients.

Our western diet has become very high in ‘white’ foods.  We love our white potato and refined carbohydrates, consequently we have the health issues associated with consuming a diet with such a limited nutritional range.

Below are some of the benefits of “eating a rainbow”. Read More…

3 Ways to Achieve Better Health

When the physical, bio-chemical and emotional sides of your life are working in harmony, balance is achieved. Kinesiology uses this “Triangle of Health” to provide equilibrium and complete bodily health.

Kinesiolgists use muscle testing to detect and correct imbalances related to stress, nutrition, learning problems, injuries and energy.  By looking at the whole person and the way they function and interact with their environment – rather than focusing on symptoms or named diseases – Kinesiologists can determine how your health and well-being is affected by imbalance and make necessary corrections.

Let’s look at how imbalance can affect your health. Read More…

Kefir breakfast



I love the probiotic goodness of kefir, so I consume it regularly.  I also prefer variety in my diet so I have created a couple of recipes to use kefir in a variety of ways.  This simple recipe is just as good whether you use kefir made from coconut milk or cow milk.  I include dried fruit in my recipe to assist with energy for my exercise schedule, plus I personally enjoy the sweet flavour burst from the sultanas.  If you’re concerned about your sugar intake, leave out the dried fruit, it still tastes great! Read More…

Coconut kefir pudding




How’s this for an easy, yummy, healthy, kid friendly dessert!  It has all the probiotic goodness of coconut kefir plus the tropical sweetness of banana and mango.  Flaxseed meal gives it a lovely thick pudding texture, as well as being a source of fibre and Omega 3s. Read More…


sick-dogDo you find that as the heat and humidity increases, your allergies, sensitivities and intolerances increase as well?  Do you have cold or flu like symptoms that you can’t seem to shake off?  Are you constantly tired?  Do you suffer from digestive problems like gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation?

These symptoms and many others may be an indication of a candida overgrowth.

What is Candida?

Candida albicans is a yeast that is naturally found in the gastrointestinal tract, on the skin and in the genitourinary tract. It is one of the millions of friendly organisms that live and serve useful purposes in the body.  Candida plays an important role in helping to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. Read More…



Did you know water makes up more than 60% of your body?

Staying well hydrated is important for wellbeing and for the proper functioning of your body especially brain function and lymphatic function (lymphatic function is important for nourishment of cells and removal of waste).

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Yummy breakfast shake

Here is a breakfast shake that I developed for my husband who finds it difficult to eat a proper breakfast in the morning before work.  It is full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and is just basically “yummy”, so I enjoy it too.  It seems to get us both through the morning without feeling hungry. Read More…