
Goal setting


Why set goals?

Setting goals helps to give your life direction and purpose. It helps to organise your time and resources so you can create the life you want to live.  They help you to focus your energy in a positive direction.

How do I get started?

A great first step to take in goal setting is to brain storm a list of what you would like to achieve.  At this stage don’t think about what is possible or likely, just make a wish list.

Another of my favourite ways to find the goals to put your heart and soul into, is work out a picture of how you would like your life/lifestyle to look in 5 years’ time.  Don’t get bogged down in the name of a specific location, but you can be very specific about; climate, style of home, social life, travel, employment, ability to regularly walk on the beach/bush/mountains.   Make your picture as detailed and complete as possible.

dream-bigOnce you have your wish list or lifestyle picture, work out which goals are your priorities.  Achievement of goals requires commitment, and if you have too many goals you won’t have enough time and focus to devote to each one.
Ask yourself are you motivated by your goals?  Do you feel “Yes! Yes! I have to have this.  I have to achieve this”. Your goals need to be significant to you.

Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.

That is, make sure your goals are;
Specific… Measureable… Achievable… Relevant… Time limited

  • Specific

my-goalsKeep your goal statements simple and clear, using positive language.  Your goal should provide sufficient direction to keep you motivated.
Write your goals down. You may be surprised how much writing your goals down helps you to get clear about what precisely you want, and then how it can greatly increase your chances of success.
Be strategic. The best goals can accomplish many valuable outcomes at once.  For example: if you set a goal to be able to run 5km in half an hour by June 30th 2016, you would need to stop smoking, train regularly, and eat healthily to support the training.  These habits are likely to help you to lose weight, get fitter, have more energy, feel better about yourself, reduce cholesterol etc.money

  • Measurable

How will you know when you’re successful?  Define you goals in terms of weight, metres, dollars etc. For example; if your goal is to have savings in the bank by Christmas 2016, put a specific amount (e.g. $10,000) down as your goal.

  • Achievable

Your goals should be just out of reach. They should be enough to extend and challenge you to be your best, but not an impossible dream that you beat yourself up for not achieving down the track.

  • Relevant

hourglass-calendarAre your goals aligned with YOUR values? Are they aligned with the direction you want your life to take?  For example; if your main priority is to spend quality time with your family, setting a career goal that requires frequent travel away from home may not be ideal.

  • Time limited

When you work to a deadline, your sense of urgency increases and your achievement will come quicker.


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